Sunday, 11 August 2013

26 pegawai polis cedera keganasan di Ireland Utara . . .

26 pegawai polis cedera keganasan di Ireland Utara. Beratus-ratus penunjuk perasaan setia Protestan telah bertempur dengan polis rusuhan di Belfast kerana mereka cuba untuk menghalang perarakan Republikan dari melalui bandar.

Polis berkata 26 pegawai cedera, 5 yang memerlukan rawatan hospital. Perarakan Republikan telah diadakan untuk menandakan pengenalan Pengasingan tanpa perbicaraan oleh British pada tahun 1971.

Gangguan ini bermula di daerah membeli-belah Royal Avenue. Seperti perarakan didekati dari utara Belfast, penyebaran pergolakan sebagai setia Protestan dan Republikan bertempur berhampiran kawasan jalan Shankhill Protestan.

Perarakan Republikan kemudian diarahkan melalui pusat bandar dan keluar ke West Belfast.

26 Police officers injured in Northern Ireland violence. Hundreds of Protestant loyalist protesters have clashed with riot police in Belfast as they tried to block a Republican parade from passing through the city.

Police say 26 officers were injured, five needing hospital treatment. The Republican march was held to mark the introduction of internment without trial by the British in 1971.

The disorder began in the Royal Avenue shopping district. As the parade approached from north Belfast, unrest spread as loyalist Protestants and Republicans clashed near the Protestant Shankhill road area.

The Republican parade was then redirected through the city centre and out to West Belfast.

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