Friday, 2 August 2013

Architectural . . .

Architectural. Add a one-of-a-kind architectural detail to your apron front for a custom look without the price tag of a stylized sink. A molding detail, like the one in this photo, works well in a kitchen with tons of architectural detail.

Go for lots of natural light. Your body relies on light as its cue to snap into gear. The more windows you have near your bed, the better. If you live in a secluded setting such as this, you can leave them bare so as not to block a speck of sun; just be sure that your outdoor surroundings are dark enough not to keep you awake at night.

Place your alarm clock somewhere pleasant. If I had that view to wake up to, I might look forward to the alarm's going off. (Well, OK, not really. But it's a nice thought.) Place your alarm clock on a windowsill or in front of a favorite piece of art - something that stimulates those half-open eyes.

Moving from the living spaces to the outdoors now occurs via sliding glass doors set into the larger windows, rather than by a swinging door. From here we'll step inside the door in the foreground to look at the living room.

Tile "Rugs" Floors can also be arranged to create a tile framework in the center of a room that mimics the look of a rug. This can be achieved with a mosaic tile border, filled with more field tile.

Personally, I don't like tubs that are oversize. I find a tub longer than 5 feet hard to relax in - I prefer my feet to be able to press against the far side so I don't slide down when sitting. But everyone's different, which again is why it's important to sit in a tub before buying it.

Think about the view in your bathroom and how big your bathroom will be. Try to plan your layout so you can look out a window or into your bathroom, instead of looking at a blank back wall.

Tip: Avoid massive spa tubs if your home has a tiny hot-water tank, unless you're ready to replace the tank. Odds are, a small tank won't be able to handle a gigantic tub. 

The study surmises that since blue has long been associated with feelings of calmness - water, blue sky etc. - the color helps us chill out before sleep.
In the new addition, the cool kitchen has matte white cabinetry and stainless steel set against a backdrop of original brick that's been treated with thinned cement.

As you start your living room remodel, think about the space's overall purpose. If it's going to have a more formal feel, adding an elegant fireplace mantel might be a worthy investment, while a built-in TV console would work best in a more low-key setting. Once you determine the overall tone, consider what kind of storage would work best. Built-in bookshelves and cabinets are great additions, regardless of formality, while a desk, table or booth ensure there is plenty of space for family game night or homework help. Finally, be sure to bring some personality to the space by including fun decor, such as rugs, artwork, curtains and lighting.

What should I use my living room for?

If you already have a family room for more low-key activities, your living room can act as a more sophisticated setting for hosting and entertaining. To get the look, buy a bar cart, formal furniture like wingback armchairs and chesterfield sofas, and mahogany wood bookshelves and coffee tables. Use the fireplace as your focal point by opting for an eye-catching, sophisticated mantel. On the other hand, if it's your primary living space, it should be used more like a TV room, complete with sofa sectional, media console and gaming spot. In the end, think about your needs; after all, a family with small children will use a playroom more than a formal sitting room.

What kind of built-ins should I add to my living room?

Because this room serves many purposes, be sure to incorporate plenty of shelves, cabinets and drawers to accommodate all your goodies. While more expensive, built-ins are the best way to do this, since they take up less space and are often customized to meet your needs. A built-in entertainment center is great for housing your TV, movies, video games and small electronics, while bookcases keep your books, picture frames and knickknacks in check. A desk, booth or large table can act as a craft station or homework spot, while a window seat can quickly become your go-to reading or nap station.

How do I decorate my living room?

When decorating your space, don't be afraid of bright colors, but don't go overboard either. Stick with neutral sofas, armchairs and ottomans and go bold with accessories - that way, you can easily swap out the small things when a new color scheme is in order. Picture frames, rugs, throw pillows and curtains are all great for adding color, while mirrors, table lamps and ceiling lights can help light flow throughout the space. Hang colorful contemporary artwork on the walls, and even add an accent wall by choosing a trendy new paint color.

Depending on your home layout, your contemporary living room can serve many different functions. If you have a family room, it is often a formal sitting area or parlor used for reading, relaxing and entertaining guests. If it's the only living space you have, it's also used for watching TV, playing games and spending time with family. Regardless of its purpose, any good space has a comfortable sofa or sectional, a coffee table and a focal point, such as a fireplace or entertainment center (maybe even both!)

This fabric from Charlotte Moss' new collection has a gorgeous, feminine silhouette print. And I love this shade of cornflower blue.  Unabashedly feminine, this floral is bursting with beautiful soft blooms. It would be lovely in a guest bedroom.

Choose An Extra-large Sink . . .

Kitchen Organizing Ideas for Messy Cooks. Choose an extra-large sink. As cooking progresses, dirty dishes mount. An oversize sink can corral them and keep them below eye level. Apron-front and single-bowl models work especially well.

Grow Your Own Oregano and Marjoram . . .

Planting and care: Herb Garden Essentials, Grow Your Own Oregano and Marjoram. Choose a spot in full sun once all the danger of frost has passed and the soil temperature is fairly warm. The plants aren’t fussy about soil types but do require good drainage. Amend the soil before planting, then space seedlings about 12 inches apart for sweet marjoram and 12 to 18 inches apart for oregano. You can also grow oregano and sweet marjoram in pots at least 6 inches wide.

To keep the plants from getting woody, cut them back to 4 to 6 inches about a month after planting, then again in midsummer and early fall if growing them as perennials. Cut back completely or divide every few years to rejuvenate the plants and fertilize lightly once a year in the spring. 

Pests and diseases generally don’t bother oregano, though there are occasional problems with rots, spider mites and aphids. Sweet marjoram is similarly trouble free, though whiteflies and rust may sometimes cause problems.

Know Which Hues are Easier to Work with . . .

Pick-a-Paint Help: How to Quit Procrastinating on Color Choice. Know which hues are easier to work with. If you've had bum luck choosing paint colors in the past, it could be that you were making things harder on yourself than was necessary. Some colors, like pink, are especially difficult to get just right. Neutral hues like gray, beige and soft browns, as well as pale, silvery blues are quite forgiving.

This room: Coventry Gray

OrCam aims to improve quality of life for the visually impaired . . .

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Membaca akhbar adalah mudah untuk penglihatan tiruan OrCam ini (Foto: OrCam) (Reading the newspaper is easy for OrCam's artificial vision (Photo: OrCam).

OrCam aims to improve quality of life for the visually impaired 
By hello! WORLD@1WORLDCommunity,  Gizmag

OrCam adalah kamera kecil dikaitkan dengan komputer boleh pakai sangat hebat. Ia melihat apa yang anda lihat dan anda melalui jari menunjuk memahami apa maklumat yang anda dapatkan, maklum balas pendengaran menyampaikan melalui cuping telinga konduksi tulang. Menggunakan antara muka pengguna intuitif, peranti ini boleh membaca teks, mengiktiraf muka, mengenal pasti objek dan tempat-tempat, cari nombor bas dan juga memantau lampu isyarat.

The OrCam is a small camera linked to a very powerful wearable computer. It sees what you see and through your finger-pointing understands what information you seek, relaying auditory feedback through a bone conduction earpiece. Using an intuitive user interface, the device can read text, recognize faces, identify objects and places, locate bus numbers and even monitor traffic lights.

DUNIA teknologi moden hari ini menghasilkan pelbagai jenis peranti arus perdana dan perisian yang akan membolehkan orang ramai dengan wawasan dikurangkan untuk menjadi lebih berdikari.

Telefon pintar sebagai contoh, dengan mereka terbina dalam kamera, adalah rahmat kepada penglihatan dengan menggunakan teks-ke-ucapan dan perisian SayText, yang mana pengguna boleh mengambil gambar imej teks dan mempunyai telefon yang membacanya kembali kepadanya.

Ciri-ciri yang berbeza yang dipertingkatkan dan perisian pembesar adalah ciri-ciri telefon pintar sangat berguna, tetapi mungkin yang paling bermanfaat adalah pembantu/ pengetahuan pelayar peribadi pintar kini boleh didapati dalam sistem operasi mudah alih hari ini, seperti Apple Siri dan Sherpa Android.

OrCam, di sisi lain, direka dengan ketara lebih pemprosesan otot. Ia pada asasnya adalah sebuah komputer mudah alih bersaiz poket berkaitan dengan kamera yang klip untuk cermin mata pengguna dengan magnet kecil - tidak sepenuhnya seperti Google Glass kelihatan-bijak, namun memang lebih kuat.

Today’s modern technological world is producing a plethora of mainstream devices and software that will allow people with reduced vision to be more independent. Smartphones for example, with their built-in cameras, are a boon to the visually impaired by use of text-to-speech and SayText software, with which the user can photograph an image of text and have the phone read it back to them. Enhanced contrast features and magnifier software are particularly useful smartphone features, but perhaps the most beneficial is the intelligent personal assistant/knowledge navigators now available in today’s mobile operating systems, such as Apple’s Siri and Android’s Sherpa.

OrCam, on the other hand, is designed with substantially more processing muscle. It is essentially a pocket-sized portable computer connected to a camera that clips to the user’s glasses with a tiny magnet - not entirely unlike Google Glass looks-wise, yet inherently more powerful.

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Peranti kamera OrCam ini, dilampirkan kepada sepasang cermin mata oleh magnet kecil (Photo: OrCam). (OrCam's camera device, attached to a pair of glasses by a small magnet (Photo: OrCam).

Sistem ini menggabungkan cuping telinga konduksi tulang yang menyampaikan output teks-ke-pertuturan, atau perihalan objek menunjuk oleh pemakainya. Transduser konduksi tulang tidak menghalang luar yang baik, tetapi yang sangat baik dalam mengekalkan kejelasan bunyi dalam persekitaran yang bising. Pada masa ini peranti terbaik digunakan dalam normal / siang hari, walaupun dengan bantuan lampu suluh ia masih boleh berfungsi dalam persekitaran yang gelap.

The system incorporates a bone conduction earpiece which conveys text-to-speech output, or descriptions of the object pointed at by the wearer. Bone conduction transducers do not block outside sound, but are excellent in maintaining sound clarity in a noisy environment. Currently the device is best used in normal/daylight, although with the aid of a flashlight it can still function in darker environments.

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Peranti OrCam: komputer bersaiz poket, klip-pada kamera dan tulang cuping telinga pengaliran (Foto: OrCam). (The OrCam device: a pocket-sized computer, clip-on camera and bone conduction earpiece (Photo: OrCam).

Dengan hanya menunjuk dengan jari mereka, pengguna boleh mendapatkan OrCam untuk memahami apa maklumat yang mereka perlukan, sama ada untuk membaca artikel akhbar, menangkap bas atau menyeberang jalan.

Walaupun muka dan tempat-tempat yang sentiasa diimbas dan diiktiraf. OrCam akan memberitahu pengguna apabila ia melihat muka atau tempat yang disimpan dalam ingatan, tanpa pengguna perlu melakukan apa-apa.

By just pointing with their finger, the user can get OrCam to understand what information they need, whether it's to read a newspaper article, catch a bus or cross the road. Even faces and places are continuously scanned and recognized. OrCam will tell the user when it sees a face or a place that is stored in its memory, without the user having to do anything.

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Hanya dengan menunjuk angka peranti OrCam mengetahui maklumat apa yang anda perlukan (Photo: OrCam). (Just by pointing a figure the OrCam device knows what information you need (Photo: OrCam).

Menggunakan algoritma dipanggil Shareboost, sistem kawalan minimalis dilaporkan "lapar untuk input." Item boleh disimpan dalam ingatan dengan hanya memegang sehingga objek itu dan berjabat ia. Begitu juga, untuk tempat atau muka hanya "gelombang tangan anda" melancarkan antara muka untuk menyimpan imej yang dalam bank memori OrCam ini.

Video di bawah menunjukkan seorang pekerja OrCam dengan penglihatan terhad menggunakan peranti OrCam dalam situasi harian.

Using an algorithm called Shareboost, the minimalist control system is reportedly "hungry for input." An item can be stored in its memory by merely holding up that object and shaking it. Likewise, for a place or face just a "wave of your hand" launches the interface to store that image in OrCam’s memory banks.

The video below shows an OrCam employee with limited sight utilizing the OrCam device in everyday situations.

OrCam terutamanya direka untuk orang yang cacat penglihatan, tetapi ia juga boleh membuktikan bermanfaat kepada orang-orang dengan disleksia atau kehilangan ingatan. Unit-unit komersil yang pertama akan siap pada September tahun ini dan pada mulanya boleh didapati di Amerika Syarikat sahaja.

Top image: peranti kamera OrCam ini, dilampirkan kepada sepasang cermin mata oleh magnet kecil (Photo:OrCam).

OrCam was primarily designed for the visually impaired, however it may well prove beneficial to people with dyslexia or memory loss. The first commercial units will be ready by September this year and will initially be available in US only.

Top image: OrCam's camera device, attached to a pair of glasses by a small magnet (Photo: OrCam).

Article Source: OrCam

(Sumber/Post Source: Gizmag. Edited).

Healthy Recipes to Boost Energy Naturally . . .

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Raw Energy Salad

Healthy Recipes to Boost Energy Naturally 
By hello! WORLD@1WORLDCommunity, Web Ecoist

Apabila anda perlu rangsangan, tidak mencapai sesuatu yang tidak sihat seperti minuman tenaga dalam tin atau bar yang dibungkus dipenuhi gula. Ia cepat dan mudah untuk menyiapkan sesuatu sehingga diri sendiri, dari yang mudah sarapan membalut veggie penuh dengan dulang yang penuh dengan tidak membakar gigitan tenaga.

Oat, mentega kacang, flaks, hem, quinoa dan telur adalah antara bahan-bahan hebat dalam 10 resipi yang akan memberi anda tenaga yang anda perlukan untuk mendapatkan sepanjang hari.

When you need a boost, don’t reach for something unhealthy like a canned energy drink or packaged bar full of sugar. It’s quick and easy to whip something up yourself, from a simple veggie-packed breakfast wrap to a tray full of no-bake energy bites.

Oats, peanut butter, flax, hemp, quinoa and eggs are among the powerhouse ingredients in these 10 recipes that will give you the energy you need to get through the day.

Superfoods seperti quinoa dan sirap pekat delima datang bersama-sama dengan sayur-sayuran segar dan biji rangup untuk meningkatkan tenaga yang berwarna-warni yang sebagai menyenangkan untuk melihat kerana ianya adalah untuk makan. Dapatkan resipi di Pencinta Makanan New Zealand.

Superfoods like quinoa and pomegranate molasses come together with fresh vegetables and crunchy seeds for a colourful energy boost that’s as pleasant to look at as it is to eat. Get the recipe at Food Lovers New Zealand.

Green Energy Smoothie

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Leanne yang Mengejar sihat datang dengan cahaya ini, rendah kalori resipi smoothie penuh dengan serat dan sayur-sayuran 'tersembunyi' untuk meningkatkan bila-bila masa anda memerlukannya. Rasa halus timun dan bayam adalah seimbang dengan tembikai tembikai susu, teh hijau dan halia segar.

Leanne at Healthful Pursuit came up with this light, low-calorie smoothie recipe packed with fibre and ‘hidden’ veggies for a boost anytime you need it. The delicate flavours of cucumber and spinach are balanced with honeydew melon, green tea and fresh ginger.

Coconut Banana Hemp Protein Bars

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Serbuk protein Hemp menambah lebih tenaga-meningkatkan kuasa kepada tenaga lazat resipi bar dari Tree Dot Polka. Resipi ini termasuk kelapa, cranberry dan buah-buahan kering yang lain, cip coklat dan kacang.

Hemp protein powder adds even more energy-boosting power to a tasty energy bar recipe from Polka Dot Tree. This recipe includes coconut, cranberries and other dried fruits, chocolate chips and nuts.

Energy Salad with Avocado, Ginger and Goji Berries

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Resipi dari Minda ini Body Green mempunyai baki yang ideal bagi segala yang anda mahu dalam salad: banyak sayur-sayuran berkhasiat, creaminess daripada avokado, biji bunga matahari rangup dan sentuhan kemanisan dari beri goji dan pear Asia.

This recipe from Mind Body Green has an ideal balance of everything you want in a salad: lots of nutritious greens, creaminess from avocado, crunchy sunflower seeds and a touch of sweetness from goji berries and Asian pear.

No-Bake Peanut Butter Oat Energy Bites

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Cepat, mudah dan murah, igigitan tenaga ini tidak bakar dari Gimme Beberapa Oven adalah makanan ringan yang sempurna apabila anda memerlukan pick-me-up, terutama hanya sebelum senaman. Oat, benih dan mentega kacang memuaskan kelaparan jadi anda kurang cenderung untuk makan berlebihan pada waktu makan seterusnya.

Quick, simple and portable, these no-bake energy bites from Gimme Some Oven are the perfect snack when you need a pick-me-up, especially just prior to a workout. Oats, seeds and peanut butter satisfy hunger so you’re less likely to overeat at your next meal.

Spiced Breakfast Quinoa

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Dengan protein lebih daripada bijirin lain atau benih, quinoa adalah kuasa pemakanan. Makan untuk sarapan pagi di resipi rempah ratus dari pemanasan Makan yang baik, dan anda akan tinggal sepenuhnya sehingga makan tengah hari.

With more protein than any other grain or seed, quinoa is a nutritional powerhouse. Eat it for breakfast in this warming spiced recipe from Eating Well, and you’ll stay full until lunch.

Banana Almond Smoothie with Flax Seeds

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Menyegarkan untuk cuaca panas, ini tebal dan manis pek smoothie pisang, mentega badam, biji flaks dan madu untuk gabungan lazat perisa yang juga akan memenuhi keinginan dan memberi anda sedikit tambahan bangun dan pergi.

Refreshing for hot weather, this thick and sweet smoothie packs bananas, almond butter, flax seed and honey for a delicious combination of flavours that will also satisfy cravings and give you a little extra get up and go.

Flaxseed, Fig and Walnut Crackers

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Dengan hanya gabungan hak masin dan manis, keropok buatan sendiri ini mengandungi walnut dan keseluruhan dan dikisar biji flaks untuk tenaga, dan pokok ara untuk serat untuk memastikan anda rasa kenyang.

With just the right blend of salty and sweet, these homemade crackers contain walnuts and whole and ground flax seed for energy, and figs for fibre to keep you feeling full.

Mediterranean Bulgur and Chickpea Salad

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Satu lagi hidangan manis dan masin dari Tukang masak Couple pasang pistachios dengan currants, di samping protein kacang kuda penuh dan berkhasiat, bulgur pengisian. (Another sweet-and-salty dish from A Couple Cooks pairs pistachios with currants, alongside protein-packed chickpeas and nourishing, filling bulgur).

Garden Breakfast Wrap

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Satu cara yang baik untuk memulakan hari, ini membalut resipi sarapan pagi dari Perkebunan organik termasuk telur, keju feta dan banyak bayam untuk protein dan vitamin C.

A great way to start the day, this breakfast wrap recipe from Organic Gardening includes eggs, feta cheese and lots of spinach for protein and vitamin C.

(Sumber/Source: Web Ecoist. Edited).

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