Friday, 2 August 2013

Japan’s Automated Underground Bike Storage . . .

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Photograph by Danny Choo @

Japan’s Automated Underground Bike Storage
By hello! WORLD@1WORLDCommunity, Twisted Sifter

Basikal adalah satu bentuk pengangkutan popular di Jepun. Walau bagaimanapun, apabila diletakkan mereka boleh mengambil banyak ruang awam yang sebaliknya boleh digunakan oleh pejalan kaki pejalan kaki, depan kedai-kedai kecil, dan lain-lain

Bicycles are a popular form of transportation in Japan. However, when parked they can take up a lot of public space that could otherwise be used by pedestrian foot traffic, small storefronts, etc.

The Solution

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Photograph by Danny Choo @

Bukannya mengambil harta berharga sebenar di atas tanah, menyimpan mereka selamat di bawah tanah di mana mereka dilindungi daripada cuaca dan bakal dicuri, manakala membebaskan ruang awam yang berharga.

Kitaran ECO: Anti-seismik Park Basikal Bawah Tanah oleh Giken

Rather than take up valuable real estate above ground, store them safely underground where they are protected from the weather and would-be thieves, while freeing up valuable public space.

The ECO Cycle: Anti-seismic Underground Bicycle Park by Giken

The Solution

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ECO Cycle adalah satu sistem simpanan bawah tanah automatik untuk basikal. Direka oleh Giken, ia mempunyai kapasiti 204 basikal dan boleh mendapatkan basikal seseorang dalam kira-kira 13 saat.

The ECO Cycle is an automated underground storage system for bicycles. Designed by Giken, it has a capacity of 204 bicycles and can retrieve a person’s bike in approximately 13 seconds.

How It Works

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Photograph by Danny Choo @

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Photograph by Danny Choo @

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Photograph by Danny Choo @

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Photograph by Danny Choo @

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Photograph by Danny Choo @

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1. Tag IC ditetapkan pada bingkai depan basikal membaca secara automatik oleh sensor di hadapan Pintu Masuk, dan kemudian Wheel Shutter depan dibuka secara automatik. Kemudian, roda depan harus diletakkan ke dalam ruang yang terbuka.

2. Selepas roda depan ditetapkan oleh Clamp itu, melangkah jauh dari tikar dan kemudian tekan "Button Loading itu".

3. Pintu Masuk terbuka secara automatik dan kemudian basikal disampaikan ke dalam Eco-cycle. Pintu ditutup secara automatik. Ia adalah akhir operasi muatan.

4. Mengangkut Dulang membawa basikal ke bawah dengan tindakan pusingan untuk palet kosong.

5. Dulang Mengangkut slaid untuk meletakkan basikal di palet kosong. Ia adalah akhir basikal muatan.

1. IC tag fixed on front frame of bicycle is read automatically by the sensor in front of the Entrance Door, and then the Front Wheel Shutter opens automatically. Then, the front wheel should be placed into the open space.

2. After the front wheel is fixed by the Clamp, step away from the mat and then press “the Loading Button”.

3. The Entrance Door opens automatically and then the bicycle is conveyed into the Eco-cycle. The door closes automatically. It is the end of loading operation.

4. Transporting Tray brings the bicycle down with revolving action to a vacant pallet.

5. The Transporting Tray slides to place the bicycle at the vacant pallet. It is the end of loading bicycle.

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Photograph by Danny Choo @

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Photograph by Danny Choo @

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Photograph by Danny Choo @

Construction and Specifications

1. Dinding gempa bumi-bukti terdiri daripada ditekan dalam timbunan yang membentuk dinding silinder (Earthquake-proof wall composed of pressed-in piles which form cylindrical wall)

2. Eco-cycle selesai dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan pasang siap (The Eco-cycle is completed by using prefabricated materials)

3. Max basikal berat 30kg (66 lbs) (Max bicycle weight 30kg (66 lbs)

4. Kapasiti Parking: 204 (Parking capacity: 204)

5. Semula kelajuan: 13 seconds (Retrieval speed: 13 seconds)

6. Kedalaman: 11.65 meter (38,22 kaki) (Depth: 11.65 meters (38.22 ft)

7. Diameter: 8.55 meter (28 kaki) (Diameter: 8.55 meters (28 ft)

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1. Menekan dalam timbunan untuk membentuk dinding silinder dengan menggunakan Piler Senyap direka khusus (Pressing-in piles to form cylindrical wall by using a dedicated designed Silent Piler)

2. Penggalian di dalam batang untuk mencipta ruang bawah tanah (Excavation inside the shaft to create the underground space)

3. Pemasangan sistem letak kenderaan mekanikal di dalam aci (Installation of Mechanical parking system inside the shaft)

4. Pemasangan gerai pintu masuk pasang siap (Installation of the prefabricated entrance booth)

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Photograph by Danny Choo @

Video: Underground Bicycle Parking Systems in Japan

Imej atas/Top image: Eco Cycle by Giken.

(Sumber/Source: Twisted Sifter. Edited. Top image added)

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