dIANa.h - Hubungi
telah hilang dengan bot Sweden Marianne, yang telah menerajui Freedom Flotilla
Gaza-terikat, selepas bot lain berpaling. IDF mengumumkan bahawa mereka
dipintas dan mencari kapal yang cuba "melanggar sekatan maritim."
RT yang
Nadezhda Kevorkova yang di papan Marianne, perdana flotilla, berkata melalui
telefon bahawa helikopter tentera telah terbang di atas flotilla dan juga
pesawat tentera yang tidak diketahui "terbang sangat rendah di atas
air" berhampiran kapal aktivis '.
Intercepts & Escorts Gaza Flotilla Flagship,
RT Columnist ABOARD. . .
has been lost with the Swedish boat Marianne, which had been leading the
Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla, after other boats turned back. The IDF announced
that they intercepted and searched the vessel which had tried to "breach
the maritime blockade."
Nadezhda Kevorkova who is on board the Marianne, the flotilla’s flagship, said
by phone that a military helicopter had been flying above the flotilla as well
as an unknown military plane “flying very low above the water” near the
activists’ vessels.
Freedom Flotilla: Breaking the silence on #Gaza blockade (Op-Edge by
Nadezhda Kevorkova) http://on.rt.com/gwto33
RT columnist @KevorkovaNadia
on board on one of #FreedomFlotilla
boats - read her recent Op-Ed http://on.rt.com/icjzkq
Flotilla Gabungan terputus hubungan dengan perdana flotilla di 10:57 GMT,
organisasi tersebut. Kapal itu adalah kira-kira 100 batu nautika dari
destinasinya apabila ia berlaku.
laut Israel telah melibatkan kapal, menaiki dan menggeledah itu, jurucakap
Pasukan Pertahanan 'Israel Peter Lerner disahkan. Beliau berkata Marianne kini
diiringi ke Ashdod Port selepas mengabaikan "rayuan berulang untuk menukar
Gabungan mengesahkan bahawa 3 kapal yang merupakan sebahagian daripada armada
itu turun ke pelabuhan asal mereka, sebagai sebahagian daripada rancangan asal.
bot belayar mengiringi dan menyokong" Marianne "(" Rachel",
"Vittorio "dan" Juliano II") adalah perubahan kursus mereka
dan akan kembali ke pelabuhan asal mereka," ianya mengumumkannya.
Israel mengarahkan tentera laut untuk " mengarahkan
" kapal hanya selepas "meletihkan semua saluran diplomatik,"
menurut IDF. Selepas anak-anak kapal Marianne enggan menukar kursus ini, tentera
laut "dilawati dan kapal diperiksa" dan "melaporkan bahawa
penggunaan kekerasan adalah tidak perlu, dan proses itu lancar."
itu sedang diiringi ke Ashdod Port dan dijangka tiba dalam masa 12-24
jam," kata kenyataan itu.
Freedom Flotilla Coalition lost contact with the flagship of the flotilla at
10:57pm GMT, the organization said. The vessel was some 100 nautical miles from
its destination when it happened.
Israeli navy has engaged the vessel, boarded and searched it, the Israeli
Defense Forces' spokesman Peter Lerner confirmed. He said the Marianne is now
being escorted to Ashdod Port after ignoring "repeated appeals to change
the Coalition confirmed that three vessels which are part of the flotilla
turned back to their ports of origin, as was part of the original plan.
three sailing boats accompanying and supporting the “Marianne” (“Rachel”,
“Vittorio” and “Juliano II”) are changing their course and will be heading back
to their ports of origin,” it announced.
Israeli government ordered the navy to “redirect” the vessel only after
“exhausting all diplomatic channels,” according to the IDF. After the Marianne
crew refused to change the course, the naval forces “visited and searched the
vessel” and “reported that use of force was unnecessary, and that the process
was uneventful.”
mengekalkan sekatan tentera laut di Gaza mengikut undang-undang antarabangsa,
seperti yang disahkan oleh Setiausaha Agung Amerika Syarikat, kata Timbalan
jurucakap Hal Ehwal Luar Israel, Oren Rozenblat, menjawab soalan RT tentang
mengapa Israel akan menggerakkan tentera terhadap kapal-kapal awam.
di atas kapal kapal dipintas adalah "halus dan dalam perjalanan ke
Israel," kata Rozenblat, menekankan bahawa mungkin dia akan menyambut
mereka sendiri malam ini. Aktivis akan diusir dari Israel secepat mungkin,
ada krisis kemanusiaan di Gaza sekalipun," dakwa pegawai itu, mengulas
mengenai jawatan Perdana Menteri Israel sinis mencadangkan ketua konvoi untuk
Syria sebaliknya.
bagaimanapun, aktivis Eropah terhadap Gaza pengepungan tidak bersetuju dengan
pegawai Israel. Rami Abdo, salah satu kempen, kata 'keadaan di permukaan tanah
dalam keadaan mengerikan.
is maintaining its naval blockade of Gaza according to international law, as
confirmed by the US Secretary General, said Israeli Foreign Affairs deputy
spokesman, Oren Rozenblat, answering RT’s question about why Israel is deploying
the military against civilian ships.
aboard the intercepted ship are “fine
and on their way to Israel,” said Rozenblat, stressing that maybe
he will greet them personally tonight. The activists will be expelled from
Israel as soon as possible, he added.
“There is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza
whatsoever,” claimed
the official, commenting on the Israeli prime minister’s office sarcastically
proposing the flotilla head for Syria instead.
also asserted there is no siege in Gaza. “We’ve hundreds of truckloads of goods
coming to Gaza every day,” he said, adding that Israel could “send even more”
goods, but that depends on the Gazans’ spending power. “There is no limitation
from our side.”
also asserted there is no siege in Gaza. “We’ve hundreds of truckloads of goods
coming to Gaza every day,” he said, adding that Israel could “send even more”
goods, but that depends on the Gazans’ spending power. “There is no limitation
from our side.”
Israeli occupied forces intercepted Marianne. The boat is
currently en route to Ashdod port #SOSFreedomFlotilla
penganjur konvoi mempunyai sebab untuk mempercayai bahawa pertunangan tidak
begitu lancar dan tanpa keganasan dengan tuntutan tentera laut, dan bahawa
beberapa orang di atas kapal "mungkin akan disakiti."
tidak dapat menghubungi bot atau sesiapa sahaja di atas kapal dalam beberapa
jam terakhir sebelum tangkapan," seorang wakil pasukan media Freedom
Flotilla III kepada RT melalui telefon. "Kami tidak mempunyai alasan lagi
untuk mempercayai bahawa penangkapan itu adalah [seperti] lancar sebagai IDF
mendakwa, kerana kali terakhir mereka berkata [bahawa] pada tahun 2012, orang
tasered dan dipukul dengan kelab."
the organizers of the flotilla have reasons to believe that the engagement was
not as uneventful and non-violent as the navy claims, and that some people on
board “might be hurt.”
could not contact the boat or anyone on the boat in the last couple of hours
before capture,” a representative of the Freedom Flotilla III media team told
RT by phone. “We have no reason yet to believe that the capture was [as]
uneventful as the IDF claimed, because the last time they said [that] in 2012,
people were tasered and beaten with clubs.”

itu dijangka Tel-Aviv untuk membuat setiap usaha untuk menghentikan Freedom
Flotilla ketiga, tetapi masih berharap bahawa "pada satu ketika suara yang
lebih munasabah akan diguna pakai dalam kerajaan Israel."
itu, PM Israel Benjamin Netanyahu telah memuji kakitangan tentera laut
"untuk berazam dan cekap mereka" tindakan yang dibenarkan untuk
mengekalkan sekatan itu.
ini hanyalah demonstrasi kemunafikan dan pembohongan yang hanya membantu
organisasi pengganas Hamas dan mengabaikan semua kengerian di rantau ini,"
kata Netanyahu. "Kami tidak bersedia untuk menerima kemasukan perang
perlengkapan [di] kepada organisasi pengganas di Gaza seperti yang telah
dilakukan oleh laut pada masa lalu."
adalah satu-satunya demokrasi yang membela dirinya mengikut undang-undang
antarabangsa," Netanyahu telah dipetik sebagai berkata dalam satu
kenyataan yang dikeluarkan.
masuk melalui laut telah dilakukan mengikut undang-undang antarabangsa dan juga
menerima sokongan dari jawatankuasa Setiausaha Agung PBB," PM Israel
4 kapal
yang berlepas dari pelbagai pelabuhan di Greece pada hari Sabtu cuba untuk
memecahkan sekatan Palestin 8 tahun panjang, satu kenyataan akhbar di laman web
rasmi kempen tersebut. Kali ini, kira-kira 70 orang berada di atas kapal,
termasuk bekas Presiden Tunisia Moncef Marzouki dan MEP Sepanyol Ana Maria
Miranda Paza.
Israel berkata pada hari Ahad mereka tidak akan membenarkan bot untuk sampai ke
pantai Gaza.
Luar Negeri dan badan-badan lain yang berkaitan, kebanyakannya IDF (Pasukan
Pertahanan Israel) dan Pejabat Perdana Menteri, adalah bersedia untuk
kedatangan konvoi. Kami bersedia untuk setiap senario mungkin," jurucakap
kementerian Emmanuel Nahason kata Ahad, seperti yang dipetik oleh The Times of
tidak akan sampai ke Gaza," mengumumkan beliau. "Negara Israel tidak
akan membiarkan yang berlaku," kata pegawai itu, sambil menambah bahawa
penganjur konvoi mempunyai diri mereka mengisytiharkan matlamat mereka untuk
menjadi pecahnya sekatan tentera laut Israel di Gaza, yang berkata Jerusalem
"adalah sah mengikut undang-undang antarabangsa."
tahun 2011, satu laporan oleh jawatankuasa penyiasatan PBB tersirat bahawa
Israel mempunyai hak untuk menghentikan kapal Gaza-terikat, ‘The Times Israel’
dilaporkan. Pada hari Rabu, Setiausaha Agung PBB Ban Ki-moon berkata beliau
percaya "flotilla yang tidak akan membantu untuk menangani keadaan buruk
di Gaza," tetapi menggesa Israel untuk "mengangkat semua penutupan,
dengan mengambil kira masalah keselamatan yang sah Israel."
coalition expected Tel-Aviv to make every effort to stop the third Freedom
Flotilla, but still hoped that “at some point a more reasonable voice will
prevail in the Israeli government.”
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has praised the navy personnel “for their
determined and efficient” actions that allowed for the maintenance of the the
flotilla is nothing but a demonstration of hypocrisy and lies that is only
assisting the Hamas terrorist organization and ignores all of the horrors in
our region,” Netanyahu said. “We are not prepared to accept the entry of war
materiel [in] to the terrorist organizations in Gaza as has been done by sea in
the past.”
is the only democracy that defends itself in accordance with international
law,” Netanyahu was cited as saying in an issued statement.
entry by sea was done in accordance with international law and even received
backing from a committee of the UN Secretary General,” the Israeli PM claimed.
four vessels which departed from various ports in Greece on Saturday attempted
to break the eight-year long Palestinian blockade, a news release on the
campaign’s official webpage said. This time, some 70 people were on board,
including former Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki and Spanish MEP Ana Maria
Miranda Paza.
officials said on Sunday they would not allow the boats to reach the shores of
Foreign Ministry and all other relevant bodies, mostly the IDF (Israel Defense
Forces) and the Prime Minister’s Office, are fully prepared for the arrival of
the flotilla. We are ready for every possible scenario," the ministry's
spokesperson Emmanuel Nahshon said on Sunday, as quoted by The Times of Israel.
won’t reach Gaza," he announced. "The State of Israel won’t let that
happen," the official said, adding that the organizers of the flotilla
have themselves declared their aim to be the breakage of Israel's naval
blockade of Gaza, which Jerusalem says "is legal according to
international law."
2011, a report by a UN investigative committee implied that Israel has the
right to stop Gaza-bound vessels, The Times of Israel reported. On Wednesday,
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he believed "a flotilla will not
help to address the dire situation in Gaza," but urged Israel to
"lift all closures, with due consideration of Israel's legitimate security

Israel berkata sekatan itu adalah bertujuan untuk menghalang Hamas daripada
mendapatkan senjata dan lain-lain bahan yang berpotensi digunakan untuk
menyerang, armada yang didakwa hanya mempunyai bantuan kemanusiaan yang
ditetapkan untuk disampaikan kepada penduduk Gaza.
lain-lain "boleh diterima dan boleh diakses" cara-cara untuk membantu
rakyat Palestin beralamat di Gaza, Nahason berkata, sambil menambah bahawa
"jika mereka [konvoi] ingin membuat kenyataan untuk memecahkan sekatan,
kami tidak akan membenarkan perkara itu."
ahli politik dan aktivis di Israel tidak menyokong kedudukan tanpa kompromi
itu, dengan alasan bahawa konvoi ini aman dan tidak menimbulkan bahaya kepada
keselamatan negara. Menghantar dalam tentera lagi boleh mengelak imej Israel
sebagai "penyerang, ‘The Times Israel’ berkata, memetik seorang anggota
Knesset bekas dan aktivis terkemuka paling kiri-Uri Avnery.
tahun 2010, usaha yang sama untuk memecahkan kepungan dengan "Freedom
Flotilla" berakhir dengan pertumpahan darah. Tentera Israel kemudian
menaiki sebuah kapal Gaza-terikat di perairan antarabangsa. 9 aktivis
pro-Palestin membuat pendirian terhadap tentera dengan rod dan pisau, dengan
pertempuran telah menyebabkan kematian anggota pasukan armada.
Israel says the blockade is intended to prevent Hamas from getting weapons and
other materials that could potentially be used to attack it, the flotilla
allegedly only had humanitarian aid set to be delivered to the people of Gaza.
are other "acceptable and accessible" ways for Palestinians-addressed
help in Gaza, Nahshon said, adding that "if they [the flotilla] want to
make a statement to break the blockade, we won't allow that."
number of politicians and activists in Israel do not support such
uncompromising position, arguing that the flotilla is peaceful and poses no
danger to the country's security. Sending in troops could further seal Israel's
image as an "aggressor," The Times of Israel said, citing a former
Knesset member and prominent far-left activist Uri Avnery.
2010, a similar attempt to break the blockade with the "Freedom
Flotilla" ended in bloodshed. Israeli troops then boarded a Gaza-bound
vessel in international waters. Nine pro-Palestinian activists made a stand
against the military with rods and knives, with the clashes having resulted in
the deaths of the flotilla team members.
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