AFP Photo/Paul J.Richards (thinkINpictures @1WORLD Community)
Diana.h - Sekumpulan bekas orang dalam Agensi Keselamatan Negara yang kemudian menjadi pemberi maklumat telah menulis surat kepada Presiden Barack Obama, meminta pertemuan dengan beliau untuk menawarkan “gambaran yang jelas” masalah sistemik agensi pengintip.
Kumpulan 4 pakar perisikan - William Binney , Thomas Drake , Edward Loomis dan Kirk Wiebe - yang bekerja di NSA untuk “sebanyak 144 tahun, kebanyakan mereka di peringkat kanan” tegas dalam surat itu keperluan untuk Obama untuk menangani apa mereka telah dilihat sebagai penyalahgunaan yang telah melanggar hak Pindaan Keempat Amerika ‘dan yang telah membuat yang betul, perisikan berkesan mengumpul lebih sukar.
“Apa yang kami memberitahu anda dalam Memorandum ini adalah semata-mata kecil daripada bilangan itu,” kumpulan itu, yang menggelarkan diri mereka Profesional Perisikan Veteran untuk Berakal (VIP), menulis. “Kami bersedia - jika anda - bagi per-bualan jujur. Bahawa koleksi besar NSA adalah lebih penghalang daripada membantu dalam mencegah serangan pengganas harus jelas kini walaupun tuntutan palsu dan ‘dissembling.”
Kumpulan itu mengkritik NSA bagi dasar-dasarnya yang luas pengumpulan data, yang mereka katakan yg menghalang agensi dari mengesan secara efektif plot keganasan sebenar terlebih dahulu, seperti pengeboman Boston Marathon pada bulan April 2013.
“NSA adalah lemas dalam data tidak berguna kekurangan peruntukan privasi yang mencukupi, ke titik di mana ia tidak boleh menjalankan pengawasan pengganas yang berkaitan dengan berkesan dan analisis,” mereka menulis. “Baru-baru ini didedahkan dalaman dokumen taklimat NSA menguatkan lemas , dengan kemasukan memalukan, di bureaucratese, bahawa koleksi NSA telah ‘mengatasi’ keupayaan NSA untuk menelan, proses, dan menyimpan data - Apatah lagi menganalisis pengambilalihan”.
Surat itu mencemuh pemimpin masyarakat perisikan dan bekas seperti Pengarah Perisikan Kebangsaan James anak loceng - untuk berbohong kepada Kongres - dan pengarah NSA semasa Keith Alexander dan bekas ketua Michael Hayden untuk sengaja mengganggu kecekapan dan kecergasan program pengawasan agensi.
“Sesungguhnya kamu Intuit sesuatu yang serong apabila Pengarah NSA Keith Alexander membuktikan kepada Kongres bahawa koleksi besar NSA telah ‘digagalkan’ 54 plot pengganas dan kemudian, di bawah mempersoalkan, terpaksa mengurangkan jumlah itu kepada satu, yang tidak boleh sendiri menahan penelitian dekat.
Dan pasti anda memahami mengapa bekas Pengarah NSA dan Pengarah CIA Michael Hayden protes terlalu banyak dan terlalu kerap di Fox News dan CNN, dan mengapa dia dan Jawatankuasa Perisikan Dewan Mike Rogers secara terbuka mencadangkan bahawa pemberi maklumat Edward Snowden diletakkan di Senarai Kill anda.”
“Adakah kesetiaan buta diguna pakai dalam White House anda ke titik di mana, 40 tahun selepas Watergate, tidak ada John tunggal Dekan untuk memberi amaran kepada anda tentang” kanser pada jawatan presiden ? “Ada tiada peguam anda mengingatkan anda bahawa” pengawasan elektronik rakyat swasta . . . subversif kerajaan berperlembagaan “adalah salah satu daripada tiga Artikel pemecatan terhadap Presiden Richard Nixon yang diluluskan oleh 28-10 undi kedua-dua parti daripada Jawatankuasa Rumah Kehakiman pada 27 Julai 1974 ?”
Surat VIP menunjukkan wawasan yang digabungkan dan kepakaran ini penganalisis perisikan dihormati - semua diejek dan beberapa didakwa selepas memanggil perhatian kepada penyalahgunaan NSA tahun sebelum orang telah mendengar bekas kontraktor NSA dan leaker Edward Snowden - boleh menjadi penting dalam menghadapi masyarakat penubuhan di Washington ingin perlindungan program pengawasan besar-besaran yang berkenaan.
“Memandangkan bulatan tertutup di sekeliling anda, kami membenarkan kemungkinan bahawa bau daripada herrings ini merah reput masih belum anda mencapainya - walaupun anda sendiri Review Group telah mendapatinya, sebagai contoh, bahawa koleksi besar NSA telah digagalkan tepat sifar plot pengganas, “mereka menulis, merujuk kepada panel Obama- dilantik yang telah ditugaskan untuk mengkaji prosedur NSA.”
“Realiti menyedihkan , Tuan Presiden, adalah bahawa NSA sendiri mempunyai maklumat yang cukup untuk mencegah 9/11, tetapi memilih untuk duduk di atasnya dan bukan berkongsi dengan FBI atau CIA. Kami ketahui dan kami berada di sana. Kami saksi kepada banyak penghinaan birokrasi yang dibuat NSA sekurang-kurangnya sebagai bersalah atas kegagalan pre-9/11 sebagaimana yang lain-lain agensi perisikan Amerika Syarikat.”
VIP melawat banyak maklumat yang telah dilaporkan, termasuk kes percubaan eksekutif kanan NSA Drake untuk meyakinkan ketua-ketua agensi yang satu program yang dibangunkan oleh Binney seharusnya dilakukan pengumpulan maklumat risikan penting. THINTHREAD, dihasilkan untuk jumlah yang agak kecil wang tidak lama sebelum serangan 9/11, disusun maklumat tanpa melanggar Pindaan yang Ke-4 atau piawaian privasi NSA itu, yang VIP menulisnya.
Tetapi sebaliknya, maka pengarah - NSA Michael Hayden memilih program yang berbeza, STELLARWIND, yang dihasilkan oleh kontraktor pertahanan yang berbilion-bilion dolar kos manakala melanggar Pindaan Keempat dan hak privasi. Drake berbunyi penggera, meneruskan untuk menolak untuk THINTHREAD penggunaan walaupun selepas semua pemaju meninggalkan NSA pada Oktober 2011. Dalam menyokong mantap beliau untuk program yang dibuang , dia mendapat tahu berapa banyak risikan diambil tindakan NSA telah berkumpul secara sah yang boleh digagalkan serangan 9/11, katanya.
Apabila diminta untuk menyediakan laporan atas permintaan Kongres pengetahuan NSA itu daripada plot 9/11 dan perampas sebelum September 11, 2001, Drake berkata agensi membuat keputusan untuk Mogok mengambil apa-apa tanggungjawab.
“Selepas beberapa minggu [ketua SIGINT Maureen] Baginski menolak draf Penyata pasukan saya untuk laporan Rekod dan dibuang saya dari tugas,” Drake menulis. “Apabila saya bertanya mengapa, dia berkata terdapat ‘masalah integriti data’ (tidak lagi diterangkan) dengan Penyata draf saya untuk Rekod.
Saya telah datang kepada ayat-ayat tambahan yang merosakkan. Sebagai contoh, NSA mempunyai kandungan panggilan telefon antara AA-77 perampas Khalid al-Mihdhar di San Diego, CA, dan dikenali al-Qaeda rumah selamat suis yang di Yaman sebelum 9/11, dan tidak disebarkan bahawa maklumat di luar NSA.”
“Pendek kata, apabila berhadapan dengan prospek fessing atas, NSA memilih dan bukannya untuk menghalang 9/11 siasatan kongres, bermain dalam keadaan sihat, dan menyimpan kebenaran dikebumikan, termasuk fakta bahawa ia tahu tentang semua panggilan masuk dan keluar ke rumah papan suis selamat di Yaman.
Pemimpin kanan NSA itu membawa saya kira tugas kerana mereka sedar - lambat , atas sebab tertentu - Bahawa saya tidak akan mengambil bahagian dalam menutup kebenaran tentang berapa banyak NSA tahu tetapi tidak berkongsi”
Surat itu, dengan baris subjek “Input untuk Keputusan anda pada NSA,” ditetapkan masa bertepatan dengan perbincangan sedang terjadi dalam pentadbiran Obama untuk menghadapi disyorkan pembaharuan NSA dari panel.
Bulan lepas, kumpulan kajian 5 orang, yang terdiri daripada perisikan dan pentadbiran dalaman, dipasang oleh Obama dibentangkan White House dengan laporan mencadang-kan bahawa NSA mempertimbangkan puluhan cadangan bertujuan untuk reformasi beberapa operasi terdedah melalui kebocoran dibekalkan oleh Snowden.
Selepas laporan yang telah siap tetapi sebelum presiden pergi bercuti pada akhir Disember, Obama berkata beliau akan membuat “kenyataan cukup muktamad tentang semua ini pada bulan Januari.”
Presiden kini dijangka untuk menimbang dalam kepada cadangan orang-orang umum dalam Negeri tahunan alamat Union pada 28 Januari di Washington.
Obama dilaporkan akan mengadakan mesyuarat tertutup dengan pegawai-pegawai terpilih pada minggu ini sebelum ucapan awam untuk membincangkan secara peribadi masa depan operasi pengawasan kontroversi diperjuangkan oleh NSA.
Former NSA whistleblowers plead for Chance
to brief OBAMA on Agency Abuses . . .
A group of former National Security Agency insiders who went on to become whistle-blowers have written a letter to President Barack Obama, requesting a meeting with him to offer “a fuller picture” of the spy agency’s systemic problems.
The group of four intelligence specialists - William Binney, Thomas Drake, Edward Loomis and Kirk Wiebe - who worked at the NSA for “a total of 144 years, most of them at senior levels” stressed in the letter the need for Obama to address what they’ve seen as abuses that violated Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights and that have made proper, effective intelligence gathering more difficult.
“What we tell you in this Memorandum is merely the tip of the iceberg,” the group, calling themselves the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), wrote. “We are ready – if you are – for an honest conversation. That NSA’s bulk collection is more hindrance than help in preventing terrorist attacks should be clear by now despite the false claims and dissembling.”
The group criticized the NSA for its vast data collection policies, which they say bars the agency from effectively tracking actual terror plots in advance, such as the Boston Marathon bombing in April 2013.
The “NSA is drowning in useless data lacking adequate privacy provisions, to the point where it cannot conduct effective terrorist-related surveillance and analysis,” they write. “A recently disclosed internal NSA briefing document corroborates the drowning, with the embarrassing admission, in bureaucratese, that NSA collection has been ‘outpacing’ NSA’s ability to ingest, process, and store data – let alone analyze the take.”
The letter ridicules current and former intelligence community leaders like Director of National Intelligence James Clapper - for lying to Congress - and current NSA director Keith Alexander and its former chief Michael Hayden for purposely distorting the efficiency and vitality of the agency’s surveillance programs.
“Surely you intuit that something is askew when NSA Director Keith Alexander testifies to Congress that NSA’s bulk collection has ‘thwarted’ 54 terrorist plots and later, under questioning, is forced to reduce that number to one, which cannot itself withstand close scrutiny. And surely you understand why former NSA Director and CIA Director Michael Hayden protests too much and too often on Fox News and CNN, and why he and House Intelligence Committee Mike Rogers publicly suggest that whistleblower Edward Snowden be put on your Kill List.”
“Does a blind loyalty prevail in your White House to the point where, 40 years after Watergate, there is not a single John Dean to warn you of a “cancer on the presidency?” Have none of your lawyers reminded you that “electronic surveillance of private citizens … subversive of constitutional government” was one of the three Articles of Impeachment against President Richard Nixon approved by a bipartisan 28 to 10 vote of the House Judiciary Committee on July 27, 1974?”
The VIPS letter indicates the combined insight and expertise of these respected intelligence analysts - all ridiculed and some prosecuted after calling attention to NSA abuses years before anyone had heard of former NSA contractor and leaker Edward Snowden - can be important in the face of an establishment community in Washington seeking to shelter the mass surveillance programs in question.
“Given the closed circle surrounding you, we are allowing for the possibility that the smell from these rotting red herrings has not yet reached you – even though your own Review Group has found, for example, that NSA’s bulk collection has thwarted exactly zero terrorist plots,” they write, referring to an Obama-appointed panel that was tasked with reviewing NSA procedures."
“The sadder reality, Mr. President, is that NSA itself had enough information to prevent 9/11, but chose to sit on it rather than share it with the FBI or CIA. We know; we were there. We were witness to the many bureaucratic indignities that made NSA at least as culpable for pre-9/11 failures as are other U.S. intelligence agencies.”
The VIPS revisit much of the information already reported, including the case of NSA senior executive Drake’s attempts to convince agency heads that a program developed by Binney should have been used for crucial intelligence gathering. THINTHREAD, produced for a relatively small amount of money shortly before the 9/11 attacks, sorted information without violating the Fourth Amendment or NSA’s privacy standards, the VIPS write.
But instead, then-NSA director Michael Hayden chose a different program, STELLARWIND, produced by defense contractors that cost billions of dollars while violating Fourth Amendment and privacy rights. Drake sounded the alarm, continuing to push for THINTHREAD use even after all its developers left the NSA in October 2011. In his steady support for the discarded program, he found out how much actionable intelligence the NSA had legally gathered that could have thwarted the 9/11 attacks, he says.
Upon being asked to prepare a report at the request of Congress on the NSA’s knowledge of the 9/11 plot and hijackers before September 11, 2001, Drake says the agency decided to balk at taking any responsibility.
“After a couple of weeks [SIGINT chief Maureen] Baginski rejected my draft team Statement for the Record report and removed me from the task,” Drake writes. “When I asked her why, she said there was a ‘data integrity problem’ (not further explained) with my draft Statement for the Record. I had come upon additional damaging revelations. For example, NSA had the content of telephone calls between AA-77 hijacker Khalid al-Mihdhar in San Diego, CA, and the known al-Qaeda safe house switchboard in Yemen well before 9/11, and had not disseminated that information beyond NSA.”
“In short, when confronted with the prospect of fessing up, NSA chose instead to obstruct the 9/11 congressional investigation, play dumb, and keep the truth buried, including the fact that it knew about all inbound and outbound calls to the safe house switchboard in Yemen. NSA’s senior leaders took me off the task because they realized – belatedly, for some reason – that I would not take part in covering up the truth about how much NSA knew but did not share.”
The letter, with the subject line “Input for Your Decisions on NSA,” is timed to coincide with deliberations currently happening in the Obama administration to confront recommended NSA reforms from the panel.
Last month, the five-person review group, made up of intelligence and administration insiders, assembled by Obama presented the White House with a report suggesting that the NSA consider dozens of recommendations meant to reform some of the operations exposed through leaks supplied by Snowden. After that report was completed but before the president went on vacation in late December, Obama said he’d make a "pretty definitive statement about all of this in January."
The President is now expected to weigh in on those recommendations publically during the annual State of the Union address scheduled for January 28 in Washington.
Obama will reportedly hold a closed-door meeting with select officials on this week in advance of the public speech to discuss in private the future of the controversial surveillance operations waged by the NSA.
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